"The Highest Quality Decals For The Emergency Vehicle Model Builder"
© 2017/2024       InQuarters
Order information  info@inquarters.com Ordering is done via email. There are no point of purchase links, or clicks to buy anything. This assures me that you understand what you are buying, and makes certain it is in stock. Email me your order telling me how many of each decal, and where it will be shipped to. I will reply with the total including shipping, and all payment methods.

5-1-2024  Thank you for the patience while I was closed for remodeling.

2-17-2024  Today I am releasing six new EMS sheets, and one all new fire sheet. The EMS sheets are Indianapolis EMS, the new Chicago Fire ambulance markings, an add on for Cataldo EMS, an all new NYC area
ambulance provider sheet, a detail sheet for the Greenlight Ford ambulance, and a star of life set done in maroon for kit bashing. The fire release is for the Indianapolis Fire Department, and along with the EMS decals, they are all in 1:64 scale. I am also releasing new parts. I have had ambulance roof top solar panels produced in laser cut acrylic, with associated decals, in 1:64 scale. You can view them on the parts page. Many of these new decals will find their way on to other projects.

2-9-2024  Today I have announced 28 new 1:24 scale police agencies that will be printing the next two quarters. The list is available on the Large Scale Law Enforcement page.




                          PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE EMAILING
Inquarters decals are real model decals. They are commercially printed, not made at home. I can not change the scale, adjust the size, move things around, or in any way alter the sheet. What you see in the picture, with the stated scale, is what you will get. The first number in any decal is the scale it was designed for.  I am no longer taking on custom orders.
