Author Topic: Ordering Information  (Read 2289 times)


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Ordering Information
« on: January 28, 2021, 02:36:56 PM »
For ordering information or instructions, please contact the following.  Ordering is done via email. There are no point of purchase links, or clicks to buy anything. This assures me that you understand what you are buying, and makes certain it is in stock. Email me your order telling me how many of each decal using the part numbers, and where they will be shipped to. I will reply with the total including shipping, and all payment methods.  InQuarters decals are commercially produced, not made at home. I can not produce other scales or offer one of a kind printings from these existing sheets. What you see, in that scale, is what you will get. On some items you will see two images. It is more beneficial for me to print a single strip one time, and include two of those as a full sheet. This saves space on printings. This method allows me to print other things at the same time and print more often. These 2 strip printings will run out faster, and there could be times that they are not available while they are being reprinted. Please check on availability before ordering. The first number in the decal part number, indicates the scale.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2021, 06:33:03 AM by RichIQ »